December 12, 2021


Dear Diary, something happened yesterday that got me thinking about conversations and silence, two powerful tools. More importantly, which one to use and when? Both can make and both can break. 

The event was a series of 'mis'-communication between two, happening live before my eyes. This gave me a perspective from a third point of view. Most of conversation was ... not even necessary.

Life can not go on without conversation. But it will be better with some silence along the conversation.

Anyways, notes for me to remember:

Ask myself before a conversation-

Do I want to invest time in this conversation ?

Am I a good listener with this person?

Is the other person good listener with me?

Does our temperament match?

Are we both benefiting from the conversation?

Will the end of conversation be a circle or will it lead to somewhere? (this you may already know from life long experiences with this person)

If any answer is no (not yes or maybe) you know which tool to use.

Three important lessons for me-

Conversation is not always necessary.

Silence is beautiful because it lets the action do the talking.

And, Time is money!
