December 10, 2021


Dear Diary,

I downloaded this app again, I did not remember that I already used it.

It's incredible how my life sucks at the same level anytime I read something I wrote in the past. 

It's not the first time for me to find things I wrote. I also found things I wrote when I was at elementary school, things I wrote when I was eleven, other things I wrote when I was a teenager.

All this things have something in common: they are all sad texts. They was so creepy, depressed and suicidal that I had to destroy them... I destroy periodically all my diaries. They make me feel so miserable and they are full of suicidal thoughts.

I started planning my own death when I was 11 years old. Sixteen year after I'm still here planning my death. How coward and miserable am I?

I think soon I will delete this diary too.
