November 17, 2021 #75


Dear Diary, I just bought a silicon mold to make 50 of gummy bears all at once. But I gonna use it to make fake gummy bares anyways. 

Btw It’s 0:30 am here. 

Before that, I was making bunch of pipe cleaner bears. And I found they can not be look like gummy bears. 

I thought pipe cleaner bears were good idea when I found it on Pinterest. I really needed an alternative idea to make fake gummy bears instead of make them one by one by using polymer clay , acrylic paint and UV resin. It’s very sensitive work to make sure to do not leave nail marks on clay. Sometimes it’s difficult to paint on dried clay. 

Pipe cleaners are cheap and actually it’s very easy to make bears. But they are more like teddy bears than Haribo bears. 

I’m excited to receive my mold. Donno how it will cost to make fake gummy bears 100% UV resin tho.  
