November 13, 2021


Dear Diary,

I feel so alone lately. 

Kemper found me a therapist that will do sessions on the computer, virtually. We live in the middle of nowhere so I understand why we are doing this instead of in person. It starts Monday and we will see how it goes. I have been to so many specialists and psychiatrists that I’m not real hopeful on this. 

He isn’t giving me another option though. He said he is worried about me a lot. He probably should be! I sometimes scare myself!

Ryan emailed me again. I just can’t with him. I don’t have the energy and it hurts me so badly emotionally to even think of him. 

Kemper would lose his mind if he knew he was contacting me. He has no patience for him or anything to do with him. 

I told him to quit emailing me! I doubt he stops. 
