November 08, 2021


Dear Diary, After a long time my mum saw one of the girl who used to be in same standard as me. Everyone used to make fun of us coz we were really dark like total black it's hard being black or dark in Asia where everyone just craves for fair skin.

We never shared a word but still I used to hate her (childish but yes) because I was already getting bullied for my color and then everyone started calling her my twin sister.

Anyways it's been like 3-4 yrs since I saw her last cuz she left in 9th standard but last Sunday my mom went to temple and she saw her and she told me how she have become very light skinned not much but lighter brown types at least 5-6 shades lighter idk I haven't seen her and I don't want to idk why it just bring back all those memories I hate. 

I have been applying so many remedies and all stuff all these years and I am still the same not like before but I don't think so my skin colour improved much srsly even I feel like my body got shades lighter but my face got more darker and uglier like kind of square and really not so good side profile.

My mom keeps saying how she have become lighter asking what might she have done telling me indirectly to apply more stuff on my face and all. She brought me this Kozibryte whitening cream and told me to use this. Today is day 1 I just hope there's no side effects of this and hope that IT WILL WORK!>

but stilllll how tf she got sooooo light ?!>!?!?!?!?1 
