November 01, 2021


Today wasn't all bad I will have to admit... but at the same time it really wasn't anything different either.

Ironically though I accidentally texted the wrong number today, thinking it was my childhood bestfriend that I have known since the 2nd grade, but it wasnt her number.. 
The person on the other end tho seemed kind to me though, and he wanted to get to know me... of course I did not tell him any personal details, but he did get me to spill a little about what has been bothering me... and he actually responded as if he cared.
I traded him my public instagram account that does not have any of my personal information on it and I followed his.

Maybe it was time for me to make a new friend...

Unfortunately though... my boyfriend has not responded to any of my messages all day... and it is very unlikely of him to do something like this... he has never left my messages unopened and unresponded like this.. and he has never hung up a call from me before either... I have been patiently waiting for his replies, but still nothing..

I know that if he happens to be working he could possibly be closing as well.. so I will try to wait out the night.. and maybe he will respond to me after work...