October 31, 2021


Dear Diary, I am totally against Halloween with all its dress up and getting fancy but if only people would know what's behind it and it's real meaning I think they might think again. Way back in time it was associated with a religion, black mass and human sacrifice. Most of the time the sacrifice involved baby's being thrown into a fire in an act of worship to Satan and all his satanic demons. If you know anything about the origin of Satan you will know he led a rebellion in heaven attempting to run things better than God. He battled with Michael the arch angel and lost. As a result he was thrown out of heaven and cast to the earth along with all his demonic fallen angels. Now he seeks to be worshiped by man in any way he can. If you don't believe me read about Jesus being tempted by Satan in the wilderness, how he longed for Jesus to bow his knee in worship to him on the promis of being given all the kingdoms of the earth. Its now become a simple trick or treat, harmles fun. If he can't be worshiped one way he will find another, even if that involves deception. Like I said you don't have to believe me and that's up to you but it's the truth. 
