October 31, 2021 #58


Dear Diary, 

Happy HalloweenđŸŽƒđŸŽƒđŸ‘» 

My poor little sister didnt need her emergency pill today. It’s first time since my mom and I took her to see a doctor. 

I’ve been an annoying sibling for her, because I often try to “protect” her. But I can’t even be annoying for her anymore. 

When she doesn’t see me, she starts worrying about me. She even made a phone call to me when I was next to her. She comes to check me in my bed when I oversleep, taking a nap, or just relaxing+listening to music+ writing diary
 My poor little sister. 

I understand these things are because of my depressed teenage period she had been lived with.  I used to hide and weep in my bed when I suffered from chronic pain and feeling weak like 6 years or so. 

Poor little sister

I am so sorry. Can’t beg you to forgive me. I have been seriously harmful cause of your stress. 

Good please save her soon from all of the hallucinations she hears. 
