October 25, 2021


Dear Diary,

I have an exam tomorrow. 

Okay so a lot happend this week. I got sick cause of 2 guys in class. One puked in the middle of the room and one was behind me, coughing all the way.

I obviously got sick and I was at the state of not being able to walk. So, I couldn't go to school. And I believe it is safer for all of us since the pandamic still did not end. 

It's been about 2 days since I haven't attended school, I still vomit and cough. 
Fun fact: there's an exam that everyone at same grade as me in the country has to take tomorrow. 

And so now I have to wake up at 7, stay in a class with 20 people and take an exam with masks on too as well? What should I do bruh, take the exam or stay home for the day? 