October 17, 2021


Dear Diary,

4 years feels so long. I want to graduate and get the away from our house. I don't want to see my father anymore. I've had enough for all the traumas and emotional abuse that he's given me. He always curse me. He's fake to other people. Living with him is like enduring the pain of hell. Call me ungrateful but I don't care, I don't feel affection towards him. When I was 6 he put a knife on his stomach and pretended he was dead, I cried because I love him. Whenever he fights with my mother, I cry because I didn't knew back then what they were fighting about.

Since I was born he had no job and my mother has to find a way for my siblings' education he don't spend money for us, all of his money goes to lottery and HIS food. Now that my siblings are graduates and employed, he wants their money. All he care about was their money and what benefits he can get. He even told me to be a teacher and give him my salary (hell NO! I wont do that) He always says that when he die, we would regret all the things that we did to him. We did nothing to him, we give him so many chances and we even take care of him when he's sick or hospitalized, my mother cook and do his laundry. It was all him. He thought the world revolves around him. He curse and says bad things not only to people even the objects around him. You wont hear him say sorry. You wont matter unless you give him money. All he care about was himself. I hate that I have his blood honestly.

I want to go away far from here.
