October 05, 2021 My pinkie and a puppy


Dear Diary, 

Damn! I woke up with a swollen pinkie on my left hand. I don't know what and how it happened. I can bend it a little towards my palm but not completely. But it hurts like hell to straighten it out. I guess it's sprained. Hopefully it's not a fracture. I'll see how it goes for a couple of days and then go to a doctor. 

It's funny and sad at the same time 😅 My husband's been laughing at my pinkie since I told him about it. I have a finger sleeve from my previous finger accident which I have no clue on how it happened either. I put that in the freezer then on my magically injured pinkie. The sleeve hurts more so I took it off. 

My finger accidents are such a mystery! 😂

Oh! And one cute thing happened! We returned from a walk from the lake nearby our apartment. Parked the car near our block, thankfully and walked towards our block. 

A girl and her dog, a pupper 🥲 walked out of the block with the pupper walking free without a leash. The pupper already seemed excited and bouncy. As we got closer the pupper jogged towards us with tail wagging so fast. The girl kept apologizing for the pupper. She said that she was sorry for her dog and he was quite friendly. 

"I can clearly see that! And don't be sorry!" I said in my head. 

I happily petted him and she put on the leash saying, "Stop it, Bruno!" 

I said it was okay after few seconds of petting him and we walked towards our apartment and she went towards the parking. 

I was smiling ear to ear all the way to my apartment. I love dogs! And such a cute and natural gesture from a pupper made me fly so high in joy. 

I forgot to see from where the girl and the pupper came from. But I'm sure they're in my block. Hereafter I gotta look out for the pupper whenever I leave my apartment. 🥰😍
