October 03, 2021/ [2] / Continuing the Impulse


Dear Diary, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. 

I cut off some toxic people from my life and I was just in the mood to chill. I'm quite happy with myself rn. I have an exam on the 5th so I'm studying for that. Hopefully I'll get a good grade.

Other than that, I'll be joining a Gym soon as well and I made an Omelette for the first time today which was pretty good as well. After my exam, I will sit down for an hour each day and try to write my poems so I can improve and get them published.

I'm also going to stop my pursuit for a romantic partner. I'm sure I'll find someone when the time is right. For now, I just wish to focus on myself and improve myself hehe. I'm sure I can do it. I just hope I get a passing grade on this Module because I really didn't study properly. 

This girl, Amy, seems to be really into me but I really can't promise her a relationship rn. I'm not sure if I even want one with her. So I'll just be truthful with her and explain it all. I'm sure she'll understand. Although she is quite sweet but I'm going to prioritize my own pleasures over her.
