September 29, 2021


Dear Diary, a short conversation with a stranger brought back memories from a not-so-distant past. Soon after the conversation ended, I questioned myself over and over again, did the event really happen the way I described it to this stranger fair and square, or did emotion cloud my judgement. 

After a few hours trying to remember what really happened from the beginning to end, last night I came up with the answer. It did happen the way I described it, and more (which I didn't mention to the stranger) stuffs happened that led to the particular event and continued to happen shortly after.

But I've decided from now on I will not mention it to anyone other than close friends and that is only if they ask about it. I don't want to bring it up in a random conversation with a stranger again. If I am ever confronted about this, I will give a full account of what happened as I remember it. Obviously I can only describe something from my perspective, but that doesn't make it less real. They have theirs and I have mine.

Do I need closure from this? Not really. Explanations are not going to do anything at this point anyway. I wasn't hurt or anything, but I did feel strange the whole time it happened. Yet, knowing what really happened won't affect my present situation and my plans and everything I am currently doing for the sake of my future. 

It's not possible to stop memories from resurfacing - that's what memories do - whether I like it or not. I just have to deal with it in a way that will benefit my present and future. 
