A Fellow User


[ENTRY 17..✍]

There's someone in this app whom I find truly interesting. So interesting, in fact, that I've read ALL of his entries. Alright, in my defense, he only has one entry.

Kidding. Haha.

Out of boredom, I was typing random letters in the search box and somehow stumbled upon his pen name in the suggestions. I clicked it and then scrolled down for the very first entry and that was all it took for me to get hooked. Next thing I knew, I was reading his life in a chronological order. ALL OF IT. This happened about two weeks ago and I started writing this down at that time too, but never put it out in public until now that he's gone into a hiatus.

As I engrossed myself reading the contents of his page, I'd already remarked that his last publication had been a while ago so imagine my surprise when I refreshed my feed and the latest post came from him. For a moment, I got paranoid thinking people would be notified if someone was lurking in their profile. I wanted to favourite his account but would they be notified with that? I really like the way he writes and his style. He has a theme—which he's consistent about—and is very descriptive about how he feels. He's open and is not afraid to disclose details of his deepest struggles and insecurities, something I'm still wary of doing even through anonymous writing.

The more I read his personal stories, the more I wanted to know what happened next, as if I was reading a page-turner novel. I've become so drawn to his character and the events of his life that it's his entries I'm most looking forward to in this app now. Maybe it's also because we're both emotionally desolate and somehow, reading another lonely person's vulnerabilities doesn't make me feel as bleak as habitual, because in a way, I can relate. I don't know. It's strange, really. I suddenly find comfort in entering the threshold of a solitary person's mind. So strange that the comfort almost feels close to home.

Have I truly gone this dark?

I know my usual ramblings here don't talk about the details of my own melancholia but it's there, just lingering in the shadows for now.

Back to him.

Unfortunately, he's not as active as he used to be. I want to hug him, truth be told. He diminishes himself a lot but I actually like his personality despite it all. There are more things I could say about him, some of which I admire, but some of you here might figure out who I'm talking about and I'd really rather avoid that. Haha.

Anyway, I wonder how he's doing now. I wonder if he'll ever get to read this. Should that happen, I wonder if the thought that it's him I'm talking about would cross his mind. Hmm.. He'll be flattered, I'm sure. Hehe.

If you're reading this, know that someone is thinking of you. Yes, YOU!

Smile! 😄