August 26, 2021


Dear Diary,


Life is kind of okay these days, nothing special is happening, the same old me procrastinating things, waiting for some kind of serendipity.

Day after tomorrow I am going to Bhopal first of all Jabalpur then Bhopal then Raipur.

I like train journey but all the maximum duration of my journey will be at night so not that much fun. I hope for a good co passenger maybe ;).

As usual I am feeling lonely right now so I am here to write. I want to talk to someone right now I mean I want to have a conversation with someone.

Today I have not studied. I am frustrated with myself as I try to sleep for hours but can't fall asleep until it's 3 am. Yesterday I ate 2 paracetamols so that I can sleep but it was also a waste as so usual I wake up late. But tomorrow I have to wake up early because I have to go to bank for my education loan process. I hope I fell asleep today on time.

I hope that any stranger can turn into a friend to whom I can talk atleast 10-15 mins a day. And I don't feel like talking to old people. 
