August 16, 2021


Dear Diary, the last two days I have been having cramps in the stomach. It's close to my regular menstruation date, but this has nothing to do with menstruation. I think I ate something bad. I had to lie down most of the time and keep myself warm because when my body is cold, the cramps get worse. I didn't eat much and it's making me weaker. So today I will try to eat more, a sick body cannot be deprived of nutrition. It's annoying, I can't work on my projects, I can't even do regular chores. I hope I'll be better today. This week I was going to meet a few friends on two different days. I had to cancel one, I hope I don't have to cancel another one.

Update: Dear Diary, I managed to eat more. Kind of hard at first but I kept going. I felt full but I ignored it because after 2 days of mere breakfast and a few slices of bread, I knew I only felt full because of sickness. I am feeling much better now and stronger. The cramp is still there but comes and goes. I'm going to do some chores and see how it goes. The medication helps but I still have to take it with food. If it all goes well, I will start doing my regular exercise again. 
