August 08, 2021


Dear Diary,

Got my 1st dose of Covishield yesterday. And it's paining a lot in my left arm. Me being lefty makes it difficult now I have to do everything with my right hand.

Olympics is about to end today. It was a great year for India. 7 medals total which is the highest so far, and 1st ever medal in Atheletics that too Gold post independence. I feel very happy and proud. There is a lot of talent among us, but most don't get the opportunity. I hope the govt funds the budding players well and secure their future in some way so that more and more players can shine. 

Since last 2 3 days, my attitude has shifted towards a more positive one. I am not being negative. And it started once I started singing again. I joined the music band of our company. So I will be singing from time to time. 

Yesterday my best friend S, told something which really touched me. He said that I have motivated him to become a better person. Whenever he has a choice, he always tries to do the right thing. It was not this much earlier. He said I deserve good people in life. And so he wants to be a better person. It was really touching for me. 


