August 02, 2021


Hidup kalau asyik nak mencari salah org rather than appreciating what they did, baik pegi mampos.

Dahla bagi serabot otak org, pastu nk condemn bagai.

I don't care kalau you're older than me. 

Respect work both ways.

Dahla sruh buat mcm2 pastu nak maki2 bagai.

Eh hello, watch your mouth first sblom nak cakap org.

You taught all the rude things to me. Still do Kann.

Jangan nak tanya kenapa I turn out this way.

Sabar aku rsa MCM dh hilang terus.

Tolonglah, especially if you're a mom.

Guna otak boleh tak?

Jangan nak menyumpah mcm2 dekat anak MCM kami ini hamba dgn kuli.

Aku dah rsa MCM nk mati hadap semua kebodohan ni.

It's much better bila tak balik rumah dulu.

The only things I get is depression, anxiety, etc etc

And you don't even fucking care.

Never bother to understand.

The only thing you knew is that you always right.

I'm just a fucking useless daughter.


Sumpah penat.
