July 28, 2021


Dear Diary,

Its been a lot of time, and I am back again with mind full of thoughts.I jsut realised that its really difficult for me to live with family. I seriously cant live with them. All I want independence and they are still ruling. 

What kind of father he is , now I really dont like him. I am not saying he is bad person but not right either.

He can not simply force his rules on me.

I mean seriously you tell , I want to see the world and thats my dream. I want to see each and every corner of the world. Since now covid and wfh culture made it possible.

we are now fortunate enough to travel and wander everywhere.But he thinks the other way. He told me that first marry and then do whatever you want to do. I mean seriously, what kind of thinking he has.And also he told me that every place is same.this is just waste of money. I am financially independent.I am not even asking his money.But I dint know why he thinks like this. I really hate his thinking process he jsut want to rule ans nothing..

Now I really don tkike him !!
