June 11, 2021


Dear Diary,

I’m in such a bad mood today. Kemper will leave again early in the morning and be gone for who knows how long. 

It is frustrating! 

Same thing will happen, Regina will stop over or call every day. He was pretty firm again on that happening and wouldn’t take no. I don’t mind seeing Regina though.

After lunch I went and seen the horses again. Cant was there and let me pet them. 

I think it might be in my head but he kind of makes me uncomfortable. He gets a little too close when he talks to me and he asks a lot of questions about me and/or Kemper.

It was nice having some one know sign language. Kemper is catching on a bit but Cant doesn’t have any trouble with it at all. 

I think I’m just going to avoid seeing the horses for awhile. Either Kemper is getting in my head or Cant really is someone that should be avoided when alone. 

I got another email from my mom. I haven’t responded to the other one yet. She gave me an update on Ryan and nothing has changed really besides his physical therapy is difficult for him. 

I did email dad this morning because I have been thinking a lot about him but I don’t expect him to email back. I think he is done with me, I don’t blame him either.
