May 27, 2021 random thoughts


Dear Diary, its always too much for me everything, everyone I just wish everything would freeze in time. I wish I had more time or more freedom to express myself to be whoever, I want to be without money being the thing that ruins me, the thing that runs my life. Why cant I be perfect?? I want to be but I'm not a machine or a robot. I know robots and machine even have there own limits they break down and then they need to be fixed by humans... so whos perfect then? celebrities'? I wonder what's its like to have money and be happy or just be happy in general. I wish I can be alone and not need someone or I want someone that needs me and I need them so we can run from this world, someone to love forever living off the high of each other never needing anyone else happiness but our own. A kind of bliss I dream about is love a world full of it but its never enough love I don't seem to get this world. Will I ever be happy? 
