There are plenty of false claims in the weight loss industry and many people are getting taken for a ride on the weight loss roller coaster. People are looking for Cake
production line manufacturers an easy way to drop some pounds, when the truth is if you control how much you eat and exercise you will lose weight. The problem is no one wants to hear that, it sounds to easy and it is free.Everybody wants that miracle weight loss panacea that is no where to be found. Here is one that I tried more or less because everyone said it worked. Little to no carbohydrates and lots of protein. That was a real winner I dropped 13 pounds real fast and hit a wall. I stayed on that diet for over two months and never lost another pound. Then it seemed like for every cup of rice I ate I gained a pound.The next weight loss lie is everybody in my family is large so I will be too, no matter what I do. Wrong, your family genetics can give you a slow metabolism, it can make you tall. But you know what, if you control how much you eat and exercise you will lose weight.
You may never cut your weight down to a size 1 but a 10 percent reduction can improve your all around health.I am sure you heard the one about not eating fat to lose fat. Well on the surface it seems to male since, wrong! Just the next weight loss lie. Cut all the fat out of your diet and you will get sick. The key is fat control, cutting down on the dangerous fats and increasing your intake of healthy fats such as polyunsaturated and Omega 3 that are abundant in foods like fish and olive oil.The next weight loss lie is another one that logically might make some since , but the body works on a strong since of survival. When you skip meals or eat a low caloric diet below what the body thinks it needs. Survival mode kicks in and your body stores everything it can because it thinks times will be hard and there is no food, so you gain weight by eating less.Control how much you eat empty calories, have raw fruit and vegetables instead. Then remember you must burn more than you take in, so exercise or just be active.
The next weight loss lie must have been invented by the citrus growers to increase market share by promoting the great grapefruit diet. Reality is there is no consumption or over consumption of one food that will increase weight loss like controlling your food intake and exercise. If you cut out the real bad empty calories and decrease your portions a little at a time you will lose weight if you become more active.So, there you have the top weight loss lies that you may have heard. Now that you have the knowledge to separate fact from fiction, the path to weight loss and a healthier lifestyle is wide open you. If you are like most people you may need help with reducing your food volume and being more active.