January 16, 2021, Things I have to do


Dear Diary,

Things i have to do are too many. Prioritize i have to do. 

1. Spacekit - Make an orrery/map of universe or something.

Why ? - 

1. I want to make something related to space, to build my interest. Learn few things. 

2. Want to post it on my whatsapp status. 

3. Very little, but i want to inspire people(children) to learn about space someday, and things like this would give me a direction atleast(But i doubt it, if i'll ever be doing that, i mean i am all intrested but i may not be doing that)

Why Not ? - 

1. Its very time consuming, the spaceit library itself is not very well documented. I have been dragging it for too long.        

2. I have other things pending which needs my time. 

2. Write articles

Why ? 

1. Because i want to improve my writing skills, because i wish to share more of my experiences and learning with the world, and i have to practice and improve my writing skills. 

2. I have to keep my birthday resolution. 

Why Not ?

1. I dont have many followers right now, so the reach is very less, very few people are reading it, then what's the point. But i think it works like that only, to increase the reach i have to write more often, much better. 

2. Time. 

3. TOD

Why ?

1. Because i want to make it better, so more people can use it and more people could read stories, more people would write stories. 

2. I want to improve it, because this is my only side hustle that is having atleast a little traction, and i think many people have benefitted with it. Its a good cause. 

Why Not ?

1. Many new features requires a lot of frontend work, and it's very very time consuming for me. I do not have a clear plan on implementing those. Many things need some graphics and all. Takes too much time, and i have been dragging it for very long, so i think it should be done when i have clarity and focus in my mind. 

4. Kiot 

Why ?

1.I am not in office and I have less disturbance, this is the best time to clear off my technical debts. 

2. Mesh is very important, we are getting hardware soon, a lot of them. At this point, it really is sort of an emergency situation, and I haven't figured out some major problems.

Why Not ?

1. it's a holiday and I should spend time on personal development.  

5. Learn Kubernettes and Stuff

Why ?

1. Because i want to learn, and this is something I wanted to learn for a long time. I think using this can make our work very easy in the future. 

Why Not ?

1. Time. 

6. Cook something nice

Why ?

1. I dont know why ? maybe feel good about knowing how to make bread and hot sauce.  

Why Not ?

1. It takes time. And i dont like eating these much. I only make them


Ok, The decision time. 😎😎😎

I think point number 2,4 and 5 are final candidates. 

I can write a small article today. Won't take much time. I know the topic. 

I can look into some of technical debts at Kiot. 

Kubernettes, i now know a few things already, i can try and deploy 1-2 applications. Wont take much time also. Plus its good thing, it'll help kiot as well. 

Ok, bye bye.. ❤❤
