Bike part 2


Dear Diary,

i finally bought a second-hand bike just as i wanted. But this was much cheaper, and much more uncomfortable than it should be. I liked riding alone though, with a blast from my earphones, i liked the solitude of being alone. But it stresses me out a bit as i only have the late morning too the afternoon  when i bike alone due to my schedule. I also have quite the problem as to where to park it. But its okay. 

My mom was the one who helped me negotiate the price. It was quite a gamble, but after trying it for a long ride, the fact that it was uncomfortable made me chuckle at the fact that it was still worth it, of course, what you see is what you get especially at such a low price. 

It felt like my plans were working. Buying a bike, then quitting my job and pursuing the visions i have. This was a first. Fingers crossed that this bike wouldnt break tho. 
