November 19, 2020



In this part of diary, I’ll be interviewing an ITS IS alumni. If you recall on my ISConcept 6 diary, I stated that I wanted to be pilot and haven’t think of any other professions besides pilot, Computer systems architech caught my attention but I couldn’t find any alumni who worked as Computer systems architech. So I found an Alumni who worked as a data engineer, since data engineering is still in one field which is the system field, so I decided to interview this alumni. His name is r Rowi Fajar Muhammad, he is an ITS Information systems alumni, he graduated at 2016 and now he worked at Accenture. Accenture is a multinational professional services company which offers various services like Business Strategy, finance Consulting, Supply Chain Management and etc. his position is data engineer, The data engineer has the function of carrying out the data transformation process, ensuring that IT infrastructure can support data modeling. He liked working at that company because it’s a consultant company, he worked with client needs, every client problems are different, Because it has different experiences, then the technology is different and also different work with different team. The thing that he doesn’t really like is many deadline, high workload.

His thought about Information systems department is good, relevant with jobs nowadays, some of the objects can really be applied directly in the industry, and many career prospects for the future


My father's expectation towards me is still the same, he wants me to become a pilot, but he said that it is a wise choice that i took college first, then continue to flight school after graduate.

I already send the link contain proof of communication with the alumni and my father expectations towards me to Mba Diajeng.


My future plans for the next 5 years are……actually I 2 plans maybe, the first plan is that after I graduate from information systems, I will continue my study to the pilot academy at bali and that’s my plan A. Plan B’s plan will be a bit longer. So in my plan B, I will try to find an opportunity to do internship at a multinational company in the field of technology like Accenture maybe. Gain more experience, improve leadership skill, learn more languanges, and work for a few years while saving some money to continue to flight academy

Plan A : Graduate from IS and get a bachelor degree ---> continue to flight academy --> become a pilot that master IS concept and maybe I can do a freelance job while being a pilot

Plan B : Graduate from IS and get a bachelor degree ---> intern at a multinational company --> become an employee --> save some money --> continue to flight academy --> become a pilot that master IS concept and maybe I can do a freelance job while being a pilot

So far that’s the plan I can think of
