November 19, 2020



In this week, I interviewed an alumna (a female alumnus) from IS department who is now working as a system analyst in an IT Consultant/Digital Agency, I also asked some opinions from my Dad regarding his expectation towards my future. I'll start telling my interview with the alumna first. 

Being a system analyst is one of my dreams in life, hence I chose to interview an alumna who is currently living my dream, yes, she is now working as a system analyst in a digital agency. Her name is Maritza Syavira, and I called her as Mbak Maritza. She graduated from ITS' IS Dept just this year and has already been working on the agency for roughly 9 years. I did ask a lot of things and Mbak Maritza gladly answered them all with such elaborate answers. In SDLC, system analysts mostly play a role in the analysis, design, and testing phases. In analysis phase, system analysts do the planning before it is developed with the developer or programmer. In the developing phase, system analysts are more of a guide when the developer is building the application, but still the developer plays the more important role. Later on, it's then enter the testing phase. The system analysts tested the application that was made earlier, making sure that the application is developed according to what have been analysed / designed and set earlier. If in the testing phase everything turns out to be satisfactory, the application can eventually be deployed.

Mbak Maritza also added working as a system analyst in a digital agency tends to be fun, there are always new challenges of the project that needs to be developed. The work is always changing depends on the client, so it's not monotonous nor boring. System analysts also need to meet the clients talking about the project, which, most of the time she finds as exciting and it also can expand her relations and links.

The interview with Mbak Maritza was so insightful to me. As a freshman student, I still don't know much about these things, but Mbak Maritza was being understanding as she explained quite detailed informations about her profession. 

Moving on, I also interviewed my dad about his ambitions and expectations towards my future plan. My dad has always been a softie and he always allows me to choose my own path in life. I have always known that he actually wanted me to study medical in college, but I was honestly not really fond of a job as a doctor. So I asked him if he wants something I need to achieve when I become an Information Systems graduate. He said he wants me to continue my education to master's degree, hopefully in overseas.
