October 08, 2020


Dear Diary, I HATE MY BOYFRIEND! He is so damn mean to me it's unbelievable. But yet he somehow seems to turn it all around on me like it's all my fault. Yea I admit I'm not perfect l, by far. I have my own flaws & I can point them out and realize where I went wrong at. But this mind fukin game I'm constantly battling has jus about got me going overboard!! I know right from wrong & he is FAR from right & I know I'm not wrong about how I feel. Why? BECAUSE ITS HOW I FEEL! one thing he still can't comprehend.. my feelings! I've been stuck in this relationship for going on 7 years. I have no family no fridnds I could even begin to trust & absolutely no one to turn to for any kind of advice. I'm going stir crazy! I hope this app helps me in some kinda way :'( it's easier said than done to just " leave " & go where ? Trust who? Those streets are so evil out there I jus had my only friend that was even allowed or even put up with our shit, get brutally murdered over some pety ass $$$. I'm bout ready to snap y'all & that always turns out black & blue for me :( so now what
