October 01, 2020


2020-09-23 21:42:58 (UTC)


Here i will list instances that have lead me to believe you may be interested in me. This is a way for me to work things out sort out ideas and getmy brain straight again. I don't understand why my crush went away for a bit but then came back with a vengeance. It's not like i get to see her so its kinda out of the blue.
Anyhow not long after i first met her i walked into her office and she looked at me from head to toe the way a man would. Then i helped her out for her interviews and she was very gracious and gave me a card. Every single time i invite her to our potlucks she comes even when she isn't part of our group! I know she is busy yet she makes things to not only come but to bring some of her home cooked food. I had to get her approval on a travel for someone and in our correspondence she told me to "grab me" and i could tell she was trying to talk to me she was very aware of my presence and was getting to not make it obvious. I was too nervous to talk to her. She sat directly across me and we made eye contact many times. She'd be looking at me talking to him but i was wearing a very hideous Halloween costume i have to add.
Another time we were at Convocation and we sat a row behind her and to the left and she noticed me and when she'd laugh at something she'd look in my direction and i think it was to see if i thought it was funny too. We do that when we've been thinking about someone and if they'd fit into our life and if there are similarities. Right after that we had to get in line to eat and she was just like a person behind us and i looked back once and she was looking at my back and shoulder area that was short of exposed but covered with see through mesh and she let me see her looking
