October 01, 2020


2020-09-22 03:48:44 (UTC)

Dreaming of You

Night before last i dreamt we were at a house party together but it was during Halloween and it was a super lovely mansion that had many rooms. I could hear the music and the people and the dishes clanging and we were playfully running through one of the wings of the mansion until we collapsed in one of the rooms that had this huge fluffy love sac with you on top of me. We were laughing and my hands were all over you as i was so excited to feel you. I was excited to have you so near and i was focused on you. On your skin and in the dream i was looking at your eyebrows and your nose. I was starting at your smiling and laughing face and we were so close and i was ticking you making you laugh and i was intoxicated by your closeness that i felt woozy and i was focusing on on your lips and i heard you murmur something as i put my hand behind your ear to draw you into me for a kiss when someone from the party burst in and was like "there you guys are!" And the spell was broken đź’”
