July 22, 2020


Dear Diary,EUROPEAN MONSOON TIME SCALE is proposed&designed by me in 1991 to study the European monsoon and it's weather conditions&natural disasters in advance.Find it's details in all websites by searching it's name just as EUROPEAN MONSOON TIME SCALE BY GANGADHARA RAO IRLAPATI and  make further researches on the European monsoon. Kindly recognize  me as the inventor of European Monsoon Time Scale by making references in your research papers. Scientists who want to design&establish this European Monsoon Time  Scale have trouble in making it, Kindly contact me  at my personal email id gangadhararaoirlapati@protonmail.com and take my help. I will send notes on how to design&prepare the scale for free if you requested. Further if you request, I will make a  sample/model European Monsoon Time Scale myself and send the same to your study.But for this, some money has to be sent to me for expenses to design and prepare this scale along with the list of lows/depressions/storms since 1880 formed over the specified monsoon region as shown cited in the Reference-1 in the research notes.
