June 22, 2020


Dear Diary, 

Thankful for my weekend.  I know it's a Monday to the world but it's my day off =)

Spent the day with my husband, cooking, and cleaning.  Playing catch-up with life so to speak.  Today we talked about some gaming.  Going to get all setup with Nintendo accounts, and Play Station accounts... I don't really play video games, but my husband wants to make me a gamer girls =P ha ha.  We will see how that goes.

I really miss my friends.  It's hard moving, and with the COVID stuff going on, it's not like we are really about to get to know people in the area.  Made a friend at work, but with this job people move around alot, and at the end of July they will me moving to their next location.  ::sigh::  I love my husband, but sometimes you need more then just one person in your life, everyone is multi faceted and I always felt that friends are very important to fill those vacant facets.  Example... my husband knows all my secrets, provides all my physical needs, we have stimulating conversations, and we balance each other out with budgeting and general life things.  However when it comes to some hobbies, religious points of view, and some other random things, there are friends that can fill in those blanks.  

I found out that my friend that passed through town the other day will not be able to stop back by on his way home, so I will just need to make some time in the future to visit with them sometime...  I have goals to make lots of time in the future for things like that.  Why do I feel that I am going to say that, and want that...but never get to?  Why does time have to pass so quickly, and why does there never seem to be enough of it?
