Wise One,
I continue to struggle with finding a good sleep routine. I know having a consistent sleep schedule creates a good foundation for healthy habits; and it will help me feel less fatigued. Even though I know this, it is still difficult to put into practice.
My self discovery books asked difficult questions this chapter. What is your life's purpose? What is your calling? What makes you happy? What gives your life meaning? What do you hope to accomplish? How do you want to be remembered when you die?
I know what makes me happy is learning, exploring, and trying new things. However, what makes me happy isn't necessarily my life's purpose/meaning/calling. The way I see it, all these things have to do with help/serve others, as well as passion and commitment.. It can be through philanthropy, entertainment, or simply providing a needed service.
However, if I find happiness in new experiences, how does that benefit anyone but me? Yet, if I commit to something specific, I can be of service, but lose my passion. I feel that everyone experiences this, no matter what they chose to commit themselves to. That's why I do not necessarily believe in some "higher calling".
In terms of accomplishment, well, I feel like I have met my goals. I wanted to gain independence, serve my country, get married, go to college, and experience stability in life. I worked very hard and achieved all of this, at a much younger age than expected. Now, my goals are for self realization, personal projects, and travel. Nothing big, or even meaningful to anyone but me. At the same time, just being kind to people doesn't seem like enough. I feel like I should have a deeper goal that benefits/brings happiness to or inspires others.
And how I want to be remembered when I die? Well, I don't really care because I'd be dead. Either I will be too busy experiencing the after life, being reincarnated, or fading into complete nothingness to care. Again, it feels like I am supposed to care though I can not explain why.