June 10, 2020


Today has certainly been a day. It has almost been as busy as yesterday. The only difference is I wasn't outside as much and I didn't wake up super early. But I can't imagine the stress my sister and her sons went through today...

I woke up around 1pm today with my oldest sister coming into my room with a big, black trash bag containing clothes and other items while saying that she would be staying at our house for a couple of days. I could hear my nephews running around in the living room.

I had no idea what this meant and didn't find out until at least an hour later, if not more. 

Apparently, my brother-in-law (I'll refer to him as BIL from now on) has been having a bit of a psychotic episode lately. He is a materialistic person to be honest and holds several items close to his heart, such as his red Chevrolet Camaro, old records of various genres, etc. Recently, he sold the Camaro and most, if not all, of his records, among other things. My sister said that this morning BIL was destroying the computers (and probably other things) that he owns and was threatening suicide while in the presence of both of his sons, his wife, and his cousin (the homeowner). 

My sister talked to my mom and my mom called social services and they said to call the suicide hotline. (Note: we are all very upset that social services didn't care about this. TWO CHILDREN were involved!) 

I suppose the hotline told my sister to get BIL to meet up with police discreetly or something. Anyway, she told BIL to take her and the kids to Walmart and that is where the police met them. She said that BIL went with the police voluntarily to be committed to a hospital, I think. 

I don't have confirmation on this part, but I believe my parents picked her and the kids up, took them back to her house to get some essentials, and then came back to our house. 

I cannot imagine what my nephews are going through. The younger one will be 3 years old in six days, so he doesn't really know anything but he can feel that something isn't right. The older one is 5 years old and he catches on to everything. He was there to witness (I don't know if he saw anything happen, but he definitely heard stuff) BIL yelling and talking about suicide and breaking things. Also, that child is really good at picking up on emotions and sensing when things are wrong. He ran around and played today like normal, but I also saw him zoning out today and I know what that little brain was thinking about. 

My daily  news 2÷had planned on both children going home tonight with their mom when BIL's cousin picked her up, but the older child didn't want to go. This is a normal situation for us, but what effect would it have on him if he had gone home tonight? His father wouldn't be there. How do you explain that to him? "Where's daddy?" "He's in the psych ward at the hospital." 

BIL and my sister have called each other since he was admitted. BIL claims that he feels better now, sess the error of his ways, has apologized, has been praying, says he wants to start going to church after this is all over, etc. 

I don't buy the whole church or praying thing to be honest, but whatever. I just want BIL to be at peak mental health so that my nephews don't have to suffer.