June 04, 2020


Darling ghost, people can be weird. Those people who fear human the most, are those who want more than anything for human to get close to them. As far as I know, once you see and get used to a person, you unconsciously get attached to them. That's because deep deep deep inside humans are all capable of kindness. That capabilities attach them to us, us to them. However, attachment doesn't necessarily hang on to the good. Sometime, one can become attached to an abusive person. You don't love that monster, you are just attached and can't imagine a life without them. It's like being in a cult-beautiful yet blind and ugly. Whereas love... love is art. It makes us love another person but never truly lose ourselves. When you love the world because you are alive. Then you love yourself and him together. Love is like a wink. One eye blind and another open to your opinion. The world of love, I believe, open the world of "halfness." Where you share and give. But what do I know. I am a person who is proud of the fact that she has never fallen in love.

Your observer.
