May 28, 2020


I wish finding the motivation to take a shower was easier. I like the feeling of being clean afterwards, but there's so much effort I have to put into doing stuff before a shower and then washing my hair is such a huge hassle.

It takes at least 10 minutes just to brush my hair before a shower. If I don't brush and detangle beforehand, then it takes me twice as long to wash my hair.

My hair is so thick and curly and it takes at least a minute to get all of my hair wet. Before I put shampoo in it, I like to try to remove all of the loose hairs (yes, even after brushing my hair I still find so many loose hairs!) so that I don't make any new knots while lathering. And still, I'll find my hands covered in hair and shampoo after I'm finished lathering. And I'll continue to find hairs while rinsing my hair as well. Depending on how my hair is feeling that day, it could take up to 20 minutes just to lather and rinse my hair. I add conditioner to my hair and let it sit while I move to the next part. 

Then I get to wash my body which is super easy of course. It takes about 2 minutes, tops, including rinsing out my loofah/pouf afterwards.

Next is rinsing out the conditioner. This takes about 5 minutes or so to get all of it out of my hair and removing a few more loose strands of hair. 

At this point I will shave my arm pits and crotch if either areas need it. If not, I'll just wash my face and I'm done.

But now I have to do what I call "post-shower stuff." I put on my pjs and towel dry my hair a little, but it remains quite damp. I brush my hair and part it the way I like. I spray on and comb in my leave-in conditioner and then put mousse in my hair. 

Next is my skin routine. I put some moisturizer on my face, really quick and easy. Then I have to put an ointment on my hands and arms and sometimes my chest. This is for my eczema. My hands are so itchy. This probably takes the longest of my post-shower stuff unless I'm distracted by music or texting or something or another. 

But then I'm done and I'm clean. But I've also been in the bathroom for at least an hour, if not an hour and a half. 

I wish so badly that I could just take a 10 minute shower like "you're supposed to." That's what I was told growing up. That it should only take a girl 10 minutes to shower and a boy should take 5. 

I've had boys take showers with me before and they get so bored while I'm washing my hair. Eventually they decide that they just won't shower with me lol. 