Dear diary,
Its horrible for me to have read those words. He told another girl he though she was cute and I know it's stupid for what others have gone through but with him it was different. It hurt do bad. And now I cant even sleep peacefully withough thinking "what if he finaly desided to leave me" if he was to leave I couldn't ever be happy again. It would shatter me worse than an arrow though a glass heart. I am more mad at him than I have ever been but yet I still forgive him. He has brought me more tears to my eyes this single week more than a month could with any other friend. He brings me pain again and agian and I just keep waiting for the next bullet to hit every second. Bug the last time I was mad at him I didnt talk tl him for a month and I though that I would feel better once I did but the truth is I died a little inside each day that passes without him. So since then I have tryed so hard not to get mad at him again but it is hard this time not to.