March 29, 2020


Dear Diary,

I just realized, how less I write. And yet how much I have written. It's been 25 months since the first note. I think I have written 70 something notes. Note by note, my story is compiling. I could not have written it all in one go. Same as all the things I want to do in life. 

Writing the go broker, Learning Tensorflow, Discovering a star, Excelling algorithms, learning quantum computing, mastering javascript, building amazing products, Building applications for everything... I am almost at the beginning of all these. But day by day i am growing, one tiny step.  I know I know, that I shouldn't be working on all these parallelly (as decided so many times :p ). To my defense, I can say, I am controlling my urge to start on all these simultaneously up to some extent, but sometimes when i am getting bored of one thing, i need another thing. But anyway, for now, I'll put my primary focus on Deep Learning. 

But good news is that i broke my cherry today with DeepLearning. Today i trained my first model with 25000 images and searched for an answer on stack overflow for a problem i got stuck with. Way to go... 🎉🎉 

Yesterday night was bad, I couldn't sleep until 5. I tried everything.

Tomorrow the office starts again. 2 days weekend really feels long, and i have so much time now. I think working from home is really good, i am comparatively less distracted, my efficiency is also overall good i think. I think its also because i am working fewer hours now, from 10 to 6:30, but if i am going to the office, i wake up at 7:30 and reach home at 8. And i feel very tired too and don't feel like working on anything heavy after returning from office. 

Ok. See ya... ❤️
