Dear Diary,
covid-19 is a new corona virus that originated in Wuhan during 2019, when a man reported symptoms.
This then spread world wide, having a negative effect on majority of lives, but a positive effect on nature.
Some positives that have occurred since the outbreak:
-Dolphins returning to the channels in Venice,
-Monkeys working out how to dismantle poacher traps,
-Blue skies in China for the first time in over a decade!
This corona virus is related to sars that first made an appearance in 2003; in addition to this, it has close symptoms to the flu. With this knowledge, flu vaccines are being modified and tested in Japan.
You won't be greatly effected if you are:
-young (under age of 70),
-don't have underlying health issues (diabetes, blood clots, different diseases etc.)
To keep safe:
-Wash your hands before eating, after using the toilet, petting animals, getting back home from a town etc,
-Avoid unnecessary social contact and stay home as much as possible,
-Stay roughly 1.5 metres away from people showing symptoms.
-Only take what you need, not just anything you can grab.