

I cut myself. Not sure how many times, but more than 5. On my left shoulder again, and I put a pad on it. I feel really calm, and I didn't have any reason or push to do it, I just did it because I wanted to. I think I like the blood more than the cut, earlier I felt like I wanted to bleed out and feel the bliss of I don't even know what. The cuts sting now, and it kind of makes me want to cut more, to distract the other pain I know it wont help though. I would like to tell someone, and I think ------ would be the best choice, because I don't want to worry ----, or risk my parents being told. Its not that I don't want my parents knowing, I think its that I want to tell them on my own, and not have it just thrown at them. I also don't want to go to therapy, its suffocating and moms already stressed about money. I bruised my arm yesterday and today I hit it against the wall after biting it and then have been repeatedly hitting and punching it during the day. about an inch and a half from my left wrist. I picked up a stress dealing pamphlet from the health office while I was scheduling my appointment. the sore on my leg has grown, and there are more forming on my stomach. School sucks and I think I'm sick in the head somehow.

