February 23, 2020


Dear Diary, First thing would be thanks to the people that commented. I think I know what I would like to write about tomorrow. But first Idk why you would want to know about my love life. I mean like it is not that interesting but ok. I will try. I mean like my first boyfriend I guess was sort of a jackass and was like completely rude to everyone and me and I would always like forgive him then we got in a fight he was blocked and that was that. Then not even the next day I was talking to someone else. Then the next lasted six days exactly and he moved on to one of my friends. he dumped me for my friend. And now the guy I am interested in is sort of stuck in a relationship with one of my old friends. that is all I mean like I did miss a lot but if you have any questions just comment them. I do love reading the comments 
