October 06, 2019 Yaay


Dear Diary,

So I just got back from the optician. My eyesight has improved by 0.75 diopters :D 

It has been a month since I have been following a routine for eyesight improvement and honestly, I'm surprised my sight improved so drastically in a short time. I expected a 0.25 D change, but 0.75?? that's crazy. Unfortunately, it implies there's so much wrong with the whole ophthalmology industry. 

It all started about a month ago, when I started getting intense headaches after my latest prescription change. The doc prescribed for an additional 0.25 increase from my previous lenses. Even though I could see way clearly than my previous prescription, the 6k HD vision made me uncomfortable. I wondered if even normal people had a vision like my glasses gave me. And looking at screens was hell. The headaches got crazier day by day. 

That's when I figured, something must be wrong. I trusted the doc, so didn't bother getting retested. I went online, started reading up on the physics of eyesight found out things like pseudomyopia, ciliary spasm and lens-induced myopia. The fact that regular use of correctly prescribed lenses could make vision worse- that seemed ridiculous at first. But I didn't have any evidence to prove that theory wrong. 

In my case, it was right actually. From -1D my vision got worse to -2.75 over the past 11 years.  And every single person I know who wear specs had their vision progressively get worse over time. 

I met some Reddit communities who were very vocal about these issues and trying to get people off the glasses. Even though the professional opticians mocked whatever pseudoscience these guys were advocating, I decided to give their methods a try. I got off the glasses for all my near work. It felt ridiculous at first. The blur was crazy. People with normal vision will never understand what it's like. And started with print pushing whenever I was in front of the laptop.

I knew about 2 days in, my sight was clearing up. Even though the blur was crazy, I felt like putting up with the discomfort was going to pay off. I'm happy it did. 

I do not understand why doctors tell patients to never take their glasses off. Using specs for near work is harmful and yet they insist on it. Light travels farther and the focal point gets behind the retina in that case, and it worsens the vision over time. Most opticians make us read till the 20/15 or 20/13 line when getting specs. But what I dont get is when even normal people have only 20/20 vision, why do they insist on us seeing even clearer? Like in my case, the 6k vision will only burn out eyes in the long term. 

Maybe docs know all this, but they don't inform their patients about these things because then their vision will get better and the docs will lose their business. Same with the opticians. Or maybe they dont. What about the surgery industry? They'll also lose their business. 

But i think it's sad, this business happens at the expense of the vision of millions of people around the world.


Anyways, whatever experimentation I'm doing, it will take a lot of time and effort to get back to 20/20 but I'll give it a try. Test run has been successful, so :) Maybe I'll tell my other soda-bottle friends also :D

Night night diary! 
