Dear Diary,
So I've been taking an account of my eating expenses over the last 4 days and I've come to the conclusion that I've eaten for more than 5000 rs. Including GST, it will come to about 6500 ~ 7000. Idk what is wrong with me. My tummy was sick as hell during these days, and yet I don't remember a single instance when my tummy was rested. It was on overtime, 24*4. I don't remember feeling hungry at all during the past few days, cause I kept feeding it all the time. To be true, yesterday my tummy hurt so bad that I had to take my period emergency pills to get rid of the hurt. It got that bad.
I know the Bible says gluttony is a sin.And yet I don't feel guilty about the 3 pan kulfis. I know I had 4 days to freeload off my folks and I did exactly that shamelessly. Meh.
And what surprised me was almost everyone was telling how unhealthy I looked, how small I had become. Even security mama downstairs felt so when I came back. The truth is, I've always been eating too much, ever since the last 5-6 months, but I don't know why others don't see its effects on my body. Where is it going tho? I don't want to think that I'm the sole contributor to sri sai
hostel sewage.