(My Thoughts)'s Dear Diary

October 19, 2022
Dear Diary, Hi, it's been another year since my last entry. Things got really bad after that. I'm 16 now, and I have a boyfriend who lives with me. I have borderline personality disorder and I dropped out middle of 9th grade year. I was failing
Oct 19
June 19, 2021
Dear Diary, Hello beautiful strangers. Its been nearly a whole year since my last entry and im different. The way i speak and write. Or perhaps its stayed the same and i just havent noticed. Im so much happier than i was then. Im 14 now, soon to
Jun 19
July 15, 2020
Dear Diary, I wonder why im weird like this. I have been reading a girl named Scar's entries. They are quite interesting, and i understand her. Its not something that happenes alot, me connecting i mean. I wish I could be happy and sane. But may
Jul 15
July 14, 2020
The truths now unfold The story is now told Crying eyes, Hidden lies Just too many goodbyes Now it is forever, like before But now it is different I have closed the door Sorry is just a word And now the memories  will become blurred.
Jul 14
July 14, 2020
I had built walls tall around my  heart, making sure they were  strong enough to never be torn  apart. I had pushed away anyone  who tried to come in, I would  never let anyone close enough to  win. I became a bitter and lonely  soul, all beca
Jul 14
July 14, 2020
There was a storm in her eyes, rocky  seas from a thousand stormy nights.  But also there was light, a warm wind  from a distant shore. So that's where I  headed. Towards the light that shone in  her eyes with gentle seas. Atticus goo
Jul 14
July 14, 2020
It is such a sad thing when one  falls for another's words instead  of their actions. h.b. goodbye, -c
Jul 14
July 14, 2020
How many poems will I have to write  before I stop thinking about the way  your hands felt against my skin, and  the way your tongue felt in my mouth?  Love is not beautiful, there is no prince  charming. Don't let yourself be deceived  by the
Jul 14
July 14, 2020
Crossing the street without looking for cars.  Lying in the sun without a drop of sunscreen.  Another shot of vodka at your regular bar.  A cigarette drag from a stranger outside.  The shower nozzle turned to the hottest setting.  Self-harm...is
Jul 14
July 14, 2020
1994,  A comet strikes Jupiter. 2019,  She still wears the scar.  She still guards the earth against  comets that would otherwise ruin  us. She takes every hit- our own  celestial shield, every bruise upon her  body, another chance for us
Jul 14
July 14, 2020
"Do not fall in love with people like me." I will take you to museums,  and parks, and monuments,  and kiss you in every beautiful  place, so that you can  never go back to them without  tasting me like blood in  your mouth. I will destroy you
Jul 14
July 14, 2020
It's sad when people can make  everyone else happy, except themselves.
Jul 14
July 14, 2020
Death is not the greatest loss in our life. The greatest loss is what dies inside of us  while we are still breathing. goodbye, -c
Jul 14
July 14, 2020
Dear Diary, I kind of want to write something inspirational, but I think I will mess up. So here I am, writing down random poems. A million words would not bring you back,  I know because I tried. Whereas a million tears  couldn't bring yo
Jul 14
July 14, 2020
Dear Diary, Goodmorning stranger, glad to see your reading my thoughts over here. Its actually not as exciting as I hoped. Its more of a scary feeling, because nobody usually care for what I have to say. Thank you for staying though. Well goodby
Jul 14