A person needs another person


When you’re on the same wavelength with someone, conversations flow naturally, without awkward pauses or the pressure to choose your words carefully. You can share excitement, frustration, and even debates, knowing they only fuel the bond rather than weaken it.

It’s that feeling when you’re watching a movie and instantly know which line your mate is about to quote. When the release of a new game isn’t just an event for you but for both of you, and you’re already making plans to play together. When a book you’ve just finished becomes a topic of deep discussion because the other person has read it too - or is willing to, just to share that experience with you.

It’s both effortless and profound at the same time. You can sit in silence, knowing there’s no need for words. You can spend hours dissecting details and hidden meanings. You don’t even have to plan things explicitly - you just know that when the moment comes, that person will be there. It’s a rare and precious feeling: to be understood and to understand in return.
