The Game That Changed My Life ( Part 2 )


We would have kept playing, But Lexi's mom came to the basement and saw us and her fucked up basement she screamed at Lexi and told us to leave the last thing we all heard was her mom telling her she Is grounded. When I got home all I could think about was playing the game I had to keep playing. That's when I got a text from our group chat saying for me to come to Lexi's house now and that It was Important. I set up a decoy In my bed then snuck out my window my room Is on the second story but I did not care I jumped out. I had to finish the game. I fell and hit the ground hard It fucking hurt but I did not care I rushed over to Lexi's house and when I got there as soon as I walked Into the house I could smell the ash In the air. I got to the basement and everyone was already there In a circle crying. "Guys what the hell Is going on?" Lexi turned around, "My mom.....She burned the fucking game." I paced around the room until I looked to the back of the room and saw a familiar box. "Hey Lexi are you sure she burned the game?" She looked pissed at me, "Yes bitch she burned It right In front of me.". I grabbed the game and showed them they looked shocked but happy that's when Mason turned around, "We need to leave before they take the game again we need to get out." We all got up and went outside. We stole Lexi's Mom's car and drove out of town for hours only stopping for snacks and gas. We came across an old abandoned barn. We pulled over and walked to the barn It had A lot of dry hay everywhere and the paint was chipping. I grabbed the game from the car and we all sat down and set the game up. Abby went first And said nothing so we all knew It was secret card. Mason went next then read his card aloud, "Cut out bella's tongue." As he went to reach for me Abby hit him hard In his jaw then moved her piece 15 points. By the end of the night we were all bloody and bruised. Cody had a broken wrist, Abby was missing chunks of her hair and nails, Mason only had one ear and was missing a finger, Lexi was bruised up and bloody from the cuts, I had some broken ribs and a broken ankle. Everyone went their turn until It was Cody's turn the color from his face drained as he got up and walked to the car. He drove off but we all kept playing the game we had to we could not stop. Each card that was drawn kept getting worse. That's when we noticed Cody had come back we all looked horrified as he walked Into the barn dripping In blood we all knew It was not his then he sat down and moved his piece 40 spaces. Abby stood up and screamed, "What the fuck did you do Cody, What did you do to move that far!". He looked at me with.....sorrow In his eye's and said, "I'm so sorry bella....I...I had to I'm sorry." I was scared to know what he did so we kept playing the game that's when It was Mason's turn he had a secret card but he just got up grabbed the box of matches we were using to light the fire. He lit a match and threw It Into the dry hay Instantly the barn went up In flames. That's when everyone threw themselves at each other trying to complete their tasks no matter what. Lexi stomped on my other ankle, both of them now broken. I crawled out of the barn trying to get away from the smoke. I got out of the barn just as I reached the car I turned around to see the barn fall down In flames taking my friends with It......But all I could think about was, "The game...It's gone." I passed out from the smoke but before everything went dark I heard police sirens. 2 days later I woke up In the hospital to my cousin.....not my family. I looked around that's when the officer came up to me and told me, "bella I'm sorry to Inform you but.....You're friend's are gone they died In the barn fire." I asked where my parents are and he looked sorry for me. "where are my fucking parents." he looked at me, "Your parents are dead honey they were murdered an hour before the fire." That's when It clicked and I whispered, "Cody". Cody killed my parents to move 40 spaces In the game. I started to freak out when I could not find the game the doctor cam In and put something In my IV that knocked me out. I woke up In a mental hospital the next morning. I spent months In there until I learned how to fake that I did not want to play anymore It was a lie but I got better at hiding It. So they sent me home and as I expected my room had been stripped there was nothing I could hurt myself with I no longer had a door all my stuff was gone. I started to unpack my clothes when I walked Into my closet I looked around and that's when I saw It the game was sitting In the back of my closet waiting for me. I quickly took the game out and set It up and started playing alone.                                                        
