People who are kind and people who are grateful achieve more than people who are unkind and people who are ungrateful. There's this very common lie that you need to be unkind and that you need to be ungrateful in order to succeed in your life. It's just a lie that has nothing to do with the actual truth, because the truth is plain and simple. In order to truly succeed in your life, you have to be kind and you have
to be grateful, and you cannot ever afford(!) to be unkind and ungrateful. Not many people don't know this at all, and that's why they don't ever(!) succeed in their lives. They believe they need to be unkind, because they believe that anyone needs to be unkind in order to succeed. They see unkindness everywhere and thus believe they to need to be unkind. And same goes for gratitude. They believe they need to be ungrateful, because they believe that anyone needs to be ungrateful in order to succeed. What is the actual truth is that the lack of kindness and the lack of gratitude hurts your success.
You can be the most ambitious and the most driven man in the world, and yet not become successful at all, because of the lack of kindness and because of the lack of gratitude. If someone is unkind to you, and if someone is ungrateful to you, doesn't really appreciate what you do at work, that doesn't actually mean they are ahead of you, but actually means they are way way behind you, because they haven't a clue what they are actually doing with their lives. A man who is unkind and a man who is ungrateful cannot really move onto another level in his life until he becomes kind and until he becomes grateful. A man who is unkind and a man who is ungrateful cannot actually do nothing of value with his life. A man who is kind and a man who is grateful
can do everything and anything of immense value with his life. The worst thing you can do at work while working is to lose your identity, to lose yourself completely. You start believing you need to act like everybody else. That in order to fit into their clan, you must learn how to act like them. That in order to become friends with them, you must win them over with the same kind of attitude towards life they are having. Truth is, they don't have a life. If they are unkind and ungrateful, you already have more life than they are ever going to have. And want to know why? Because you are on the right path and they are on the wrong one. You don't have to fit where they fit, because the truth is, they'll never fit somewhere special. By becoming one of them you actually become one of them and thus fit nowhere special. If you are a misfit, an outcast,
an outsider, or a weirdo at work, if you actually do what is demanded of you, and still stick to yourself, and don't lose yourself in the process, then you are hundreds of steps ahead of all of them. They may be higher positioned than you are, but they are way way WAY! behind where you are in life. They are never going to achieve anything, and you are going to achieve everything! My point is, only those who remain as kind and as grateful as they are can ever truly achieve immense success! Because those who change that kindness and unkindness and their gratitude for ingratitude, lose themselves in desire to succeed, and thus become hungry and thirsty, and greedy and
back-stabbing, and selfish, and hypocritical. Nobody wants to do anything with those type of men. When they fall, they stay where they are, because nobody wants to do anything with them anymore. So you see you need to be kind and you need to be grateful and just be patient for the opportunity to arrive, for the opportunity is going to arrive. They are never going to get any kind of opportunity. You on the other hand will get many of them. And that is why you are going to succeed and they won't.
It's how real success happens in life.