There are only two roads you can take in your life. The first road you can take is by far the easiest road you can take, and the second road you can take is by far the hardest road you can take. So what is the difference between the easiest road you can take and the hardest road you can take? The difference between the easiest road and the hardest road is not that the first road is the easiest one
and the second road is the hardest one, but that easiest road can make you successful, but cannot make you successful for a lifetime, while the hardest road can also make you successful, and can also make you successful for a life time. Why is that? Because a man who walks the easiest road walks the road that has no traps and walks the road that has no obstacles, and thus only has shortcuts, while a man who walks the hardest road walks the road that has an impossible number of
traps and obstacles, and thus has no shortcuts! If you walk the road with shortcuts, you do not know what it is like to get out of traps and you do not know how to face various different kind of obstacles in your life. If you however walk the road that has no shortcuts, you do know what it is like to get out of traps and you do know what it is like to face various different kind of obstacles in your life. Many
people fail to see this point and thus miss it. And because they miss this point, they do not stay successful for entire lifetime. They may become successful but their success eventually fades until there's nothing left of it anymore. If you choose the hardest road, you also choose success for a lifetime. Or better said, by choosing to walk the hardest road, you are also choosing success that will and does last a lifetime. Shortcuts can make you successful, but they also eventually
make sure that you eventually lose all success. So, if you are ever faced with a choice, if you are ever faced with a decision to choose between the hardest road and the easiest road, choose to walk the hardest road, because only then you'll get to keep your success. Today, many people want to get rich, then get rich, but do not know how to stay rich, when they get rich, and because they do not know
how to stay rich, they lose everything. They may work for hours and they may believe in their success, but it's the lack of knowledge that gets to them, because they chose shortcuts over traps and obstacles. You do not need to become one of those who lose everything, you can become one of those who stay as wealthy as they are.
Choose what is hard over what is easy, choose what is harder over what is easier, choose what is the hardest over what is the easiest. Choose traps and an obstacles over shortcuts. Choose the right road and stay away from the wrong one.
You're amazing.