October 18, 2024


Everything is tiring. As much as I had lots of hope and love for this world, as much as I hate it now. As much as I want to leave it, I'm not allowed to. I can do it, it won't take long before I come up or find a step by step protocol on how to end my life. But there is that only things that keeps me from doing it. No matter the atrocity I witness, Allah made it clear that it won't last. He made it clear that they will be punished. They all think burning people alive is the worst pain. They totally ignore that they will be burnt. Not once. They will be burnt till they melt and when they do. Their skin will be regenerated and they will be burnt again. The cycle will continue forever after. They will only drink hot boiling metal. They will be punished, endlessly. On the other hand, those innocent souls will be rewarded. Rewarded to the point that they would wish they could go back and get more wronged during their lives. This is what keeps me alive today. This is what will keep me standing no matter what. It's not about failure and helplessness. It's about faith and resistance.  
