

If you love him and if he loves you, then why aren't you together with him, and why isn't he together with you? What's stopping you to be with him, and what's stopping him to be with you. If you guys belong together, then you belong together. If you guys are meant to be, then you are meant to be. Why do you both choose fear, doubt, and insecurity over love? Why don't you guys choose love over fear, doubt, and insecurity? Why battle something that's eternal? 

Why fight something that's written in the stars? If he is your soulmate, then he is your soulmate, and if she is your soulmate, then she is your soulmate. I don't understand why you don't go for it. Why do you both choose despair over happiness? Why don't you both choose to be happy with each other? Love is after all LOVE, the most marvelous and the most beautiful feelings of all marvelous and beautiful feelings in the whole world world. Real love is rare, and you guys have it. You guys have love that's real, love that's so beautiful anyone who is around both of you can see it. You two are the only two who can't see it, because you are both blind to it. He doesn't know he's in love, 

and you don't know you're in love. He knows he would do anything for you, and yet he doesn't know yet he can't live without you, and you know you would do anything for him, and yet you don't know you can't live without him. Why are you both so blind? You are both as blind as you are because love that the two of you share is powerful. For God's sake, you guys have your own language. You guys understand each other better than the entire world understands both of you. You know him better than anyone else, and he knows you better than anyone else, and you can't shut up about him, and he can't shut up about you. It's always him, him, him, when it's comes to you, and it's always her, her, her,

 when it comes to him. The whole world knows that you are destined to be with each other. The whole world knows that you can't live without each other. The whole world knows that you can only be yourselves when you are around each other. So why do you fight the feelings that both of you have? Why don't you share the feelings that both of you have? I just don't and I just can't understand. You both laugh at each other's jokes that couldn't be more lame as they are. You both have a spark in your eyes when your names are mentioned. It's so freaking annoying. The whole world knows that the two of you are end game, and you are both still as clueless as they come. You are both best friends for years, and nobody can understand why aren't the two of you together. So many boyfriends and so many girlfriends and you still don't know what the whole world knows. For God's sake, you are always at each other's houses. 

You fight like an old married couple whenever you fight each other. You don't put up with each other's crap. It's insane both of you can't realize. But anyway, enough ranting. Keep being with that boyfriend of yours who doesn't look at you the same way HE does, and keep being with that girlfriend of yours who doesn't look at you the same way SHE does. True love is rare and I really want it for the two of you, but if you can't see it, then you can't see it. I'm not telling you and the whole world's not telling you either. I just hope you don't say yes to the one you don't really love. Because we are all here to be with the ones we truly love, and not with the ones that we don't. 
