September 20, 2024


Where do I get my refund? Clearly this is not what I ordered. This fucking virus is kicking my butt so hard and I'm like: I don't really mind a spanking, but at least buy a girl dinner first? 
Though love, who? Fuck this shit, the medication is making me nauseous and tell me again how is this supposed to make me better?

Also, watched Inside Out to cheer me up, and completely forgot how Bing Bong's sacrifice (sorry for the spoiler if you never watched but the movie is nearly a thousand years old, so...) always makes me bawl my eyes out, and have you ever cried with a congested nose? It’s not pretty. 

Cause of death: Pixar's movie induced sobbing and lack of oxigen in the brain while she coughed herself to the other life. 

Mild cold, my ass. I had forgotten how bad being sick feels.

Someone, please, just wake me up when it's all over.